
‘Knock Sense’ Into Spenders, Reagan Urges

Associated Press

President Reagan, saying his budget may require difficult adjustments for business but will lead to prosperity, appealed to leaders of industry today to help him “knock some sense into the spenders.”

“You made my day,” Reagan told members of the United States Chamber of Commerce who responded to his plea with resounding applause.

“The need for our plan is obvious, but you can count on it to run into stiff opposition,” Reagan said in a speech to the chamber’s annual meeting.


“It cuts across an array of special interests,” he said. “It will cause many to make difficult adjustments by paring back middle-class entitlements and curtailing subsidies to business.

“Many of you may find that the rollback in business subsidies will affect the enterprises you lead. Yet we are calling for sacrifices at a time when they can be most easily borne.”

“The economy is healthy and growing,” Reagan said. “When we put our plan into effect, it is certain to grow still stronger.”


Recalling British Prime Minister Winston Churchill’s words in the early days of World War II, Reagan said, “While Churchill may have had nothing to offer but blood, sweat, toil and tears, what we have to offer is . . . prosperity.”

Departing from his prepared text, Reagan told the chamber members, “I need your help to knock some sense into the spenders. Can I count on you?”

When his audience applauded lustily, Reagan responded with a variation of the Clint Eastwood movie line, “Make my day,” that he has made a slogan in his fight for his budget.
