
The Difference in Fireworks

People tend to slant the truth to fit their particular beliefs--even editors.

In reference to your editorial “It’s Not Sane, It’s Not Safe” (June 30), you say that in 1983 a youth lost a finger knuckle and toe. A man lost part of a hand. The list could go on and on. You don’t lose these things to sparklers and snakes (legal fireworks) but to illegal ones such as firecrackers and cherry bombs. And illegal these latter type should be.

Get your facts straight before trying to form public opinion. Monterey Park Fire Department tried hard to do away with fireworks stands but lost because the facts uncovered that all of the accidents, injuries and fires in that city were caused by illegal fireworks, not the “safe and sane” variety.

Not only do many service organizations count on this income as part of their annual budget, but fireworks also help sustain a colorful tradition in our nation’s history that reminds us of “bombs bursting in air.”


Whether we approve of it or not, illegal fireworks will always be with us. But, in Orange County, let’s not legislate out the “safe and sane” variety and make them illegal too.

Sparklers don’t blow off fingers. Illegal fireworks do. There is a difference!


La Habra
