
Immigration Legislation

Sen. Alan K. Simpson (R-Wyo.) states in his letter to The Times (July 13) that he has always supported a program of legalization that a vast majority of the American public seems to reject as “too generous.” Simpson is to be commended for stating so clearly a position that is shared by so many of us.

I disagree with the senator and with The Times in the statement that illegal aliens are subject to exploitation. Just think about it for a minute, an illegal alien entered this country illegally or has overstayed a legal entry. Each illegal alien can and should return to his native land to avoid being exploited. Every alien has that choice.

An alternative to the new immigration bill is to support Rep. Robert C. Smith (R.-N.H.) in his efforts with the Illegal Immigration Control Act of 1985 (HR 2267).


Here’s what his new Illegal Immigration Control Act would do:

1--Beef up our outmanned Border Patrol and make us strong enough to close our borders against illegal aliens.

2--For the first time, make it a crime to intentionally give American jobs to illegal aliens.

3--Say “No” to amnesty for illegal aliens.

This bill may be our last opportunity to stop the alien invasion.


