
Santa Ana : Public’s Views Sought on Development Policy

Residents and business people can voice their concerns about a proposed policy intended to steer the city’s course in developing the downtown area at a public meeting Thursday.

Although the “downtown development policy” is not intended to be legally binding, it will be considered as a guide for City Council actions on projects, said Roger Kooi, director of the Downtown Development Commission. He said there will be several more meetings before the policy goes to the City Council for approval, probably next month.

The meeting will be held in the auditorium of the Police Annex Building at the southwest corner of Ross Street and Santa Ana Boulevard from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. Copies of the two-page policy will be available at the meeting and at the commission office, 116 West 4th St. For more information, call (714) 973-6131.


Some aspects of the proposed policy state that the city will “maximize opportunities for downtown businesses to invest and participate” in the new developments, encourage the rehabilitation and preservation of historical buildings, cause development of housing for “the widest possible range of population,” and seek the input of downtown businesses and the general population on all developments in the area.
