
Gorbachev and ‘God on High’

If the quotation from Mikhail Gorbachev that appeared in a full-page ad in The Times (Sept. 3) is correct, we have either the most amazing utterance of all time from a Soviet leader or a masterpiece of Soviet propaganda.

When he says: “Surely, God on high has not refused to give us enough wisdom to find ways to bring us an improvement in our relations” he is either offering us genuine hope for a just and lasting concord or he is mocking our belief in the Deity.

I propose that President Reagan take him at his word in Geneva and open the disarmament talks with an invitation to pray with him for the wisdom from God, which both leaders desperately need. It will be the acid test of Gorbachev’s credibility.


If Gorbachev accepts the offer it would be one of the most remarkable and newsworthy events in diplomatic history and would inspire unprecedented mutual trust at the bargaining table. Can you imagine the impact of two of the most powerful and influential men in the world praying together for a solution to the most urgent and pressing issue of our times?

Let’s pray that the Soviet leader is indeed sincere and that this is not just a cynical propaganda ploy to con the American public.


Holy Cross Church

Santa Barbara
