
No Safari, Good Golf

Your Sept. 8 issue included a nice article by Louis Hill on the naming of subdivisions. It was well-written, to the point, and really had a lot of insight. I liked del Safari being singled out as an exotic development, suggesting that the guide “will be none other than Tarzan, or better, Bo Derek.”

When del Safari was originally conceived in 1969, that was exactly the concept, patterned along a real African safari. Today, the only remnants of the original development are the street names and the project name of “del Safari.”

Del Safari is populated with single-family homes on large lots, each on a fairway which in 1984 included six golf holes mentioned as “best of the desert”--not bad when you consider there are 50 golf courses and 900 holes. We are still actively selling new homes and lots, not to swingers but to a collection of resort homeowners who have “swung” over to a really nice place to live and play.




Crowell is president of Crowell Industries.
