
First Lady in a Star Turn for the Joffrey

David Murdock, entrepreneur and chairman of the board of the Joffrey Ballet, finally revealed his secret: “The reason I’m involved with the Joffrey is because the First Lady phoned and asked me to help.” That was four years ago. Then, as he munched on a coconut macaroon, he added, “That’s the first time I’ve told anyone.” He also confided that there had been one condition--Nancy Reagan would be there if he needed her help.

Tuesday night, Murdock called in his chits. And Mrs. Reagan, looking elegant in her black Galanos albeit a little tired from her stop in Mexico City on Monday, was there helping the chairman of the board raise $600,000 for the ballet company.

“In case you hadn’t noticed,” Murdock growled just as the guests were settling down to dessert and champagne at his home, “this is a fund-raiser.” But it was a fund-raiser in a low key. All the work had been done before the party got rolling.


Nancy Reagan arrived promptly at 7:30 p.m., accompanied by her chief of staff, Jim Rosebush, and an informal receiving line formed in the center of one of the rooms. Joffrey board member Armand Deutsch helped Murdock with the introductions, and then it was time for dinner, prepared by the Regency Club’s chef, Axel, and served at tables set out on the terrace. (The lily centerpieces were by Crossley’s David Wittry and the place cards were chocolate ballet slippers.)

Robert Joffrey, the dance company’s founding director, talked about the season’s repertory. Deutsch thanked the host for the swell party. Then Joffrey associate director Gerald Arpino danced with board member Patricia Kennedy and Carol Valleskey whirled about first with Bill Kieschnick, then Glen Holden and finally with the host. Only Kenny Rogers resisted her. “I never dance with my wife,” he told Carol, “and if she sees me dancing with another woman, she’ll kill me.” Marianne came by the table and agreed that what Kenny was saying was true. But when no one was looking, he danced away with his wife.

The young and attractive Joffrey dancers blended nicely with board members, their wives and those who were being charmed by what the Joffrey has to offer. Dr. Armand Hammer had turned in his check before the party was over. The board was represented by Mrs. Armand Deutsch, Dwight and Dona Kendall (they’ve just bought a chateau in Chantilly, France), Tim and Terry Childs, the John B. Clayburghs, Mrs. William Kieschnick, Peter and Annette O’Malley, Tommy and Patti Skouras and the Ed Shannons. And by evening’s end Joffrey had some new friends--Betsy Bloomingdale, Gloria Holden, David Jones, “Dynasty” creators Richard and Esther Shapiro, Kathryn and Burt Sugarman, Roberta Wieman, the William Siarts, Mike and Linda Curb, Robert and Marina Day.


Michael Newton, president of the Music Center’s Performing Arts Council and a big Joffrey booster, looked on and was pleased.

George Hamilton, a new addition to the “Dynasty” cast, pulled together a birthday party for colleague Catherine Oxenberg in a jiffy. And by jiffy we mean from Wednesday, when the thought occurred to him, to Saturday night when the party took place in his palatial estate (so palatial that it’s on the market for more than $6 million).

George’s secretary, Peggy Cannon of the clipped English accent, did the phoning. George’s cook prepared the feast for about 110 guests. At the last minute George decided the party called for a big band and he got one--Bobby Walters and his 14-piece group, playing on a hastily constructed bandstand out by the pool under a picture-perfect moon.


Saturday night everyone did the table-hopping two-step. But in the beginning Gorgeous George sat at one table surrounded by ex-wife Alana Stewart (she and George danced cheek to cheek. . . . Does that mean anything?), Catherine, Joanne Carson, Wallis Annenberg, Tina Sinatra with Bob Finkelstein, Jolene and George Schlatter, Jack Haley Jr. And at other tables, looking very much like the perfect Hollywood party cast, were Cher with Jeff Donen, Polly Bergen and her husband Jeff Endervelt; Clint Eastwood with Sondra Locke, Joan Collins (wearing red) with Peter Holm, Merv Griffin with Eva Gabor, Merv’s son Tony, Zsa Zsa Gabor, Susan George and her husband Simon McCorkindale, Cheryl Tiegs, “Miami Vice’s” Don Johnson, Nolan and Sandra Miller back from a European holiday, Linda Gray, Morgan Fairchild, Valerie Perrine, Jackie Collins and husband Oscar Lerman, the suddenly ubiquitous Richard and Esther Shapiro (he’s off to Tahiti for a rest from all these parties), John James and a few more of the “Dynasty” clan.

The Social Scramble: Sir John Browne, a member of England’s Parliament, was in town speaking about the new Soviet leader, Mikhail Gorbachev, to the English Speaking Union in La Canada. Sir John, who was Gorbachev’s guide for three days in London, says the portly leader has “charisma. . . . He and his wife could become the Jack and Jackie Kennedy of Russia.”

Madame Franka M. Berger, the French perfume savant, is in town introducing her new “dry perfume” concept (in two fragrances--Davana and Cananga) to L.A., and she’s going to get the full exposure thanks to Palace du Parfum, the Sunset Boulevard emporium that’s hosting not one, but three parties for Madame. Wednesday it was called “a small cocktail party” to which the likes of Dr. Robert Futeron, Buddy and Judy Litten, Eli Broad, Father Maurice Chase, Roger Vadim and Mme. Jean Renoir were invited. This afternoon over lunch at Ma Maison, Madame Berger will be surrounded by Mrs. Kenny Rogers, Mrs. Freddie Fields, Mary Ann Mobley, Mrs. A. C. Lyles and Rosemarie Stack. Saturday night it’s going to be a really big crowd scooping up the caviar and sipping champagne under a big tent next to the shop. Contessa Cohn is hurrying back from Aspen to mill around with about 450 other guests. Rosemarie and Robert Stack, who are also in the fragrance business, will share the guest-of-honor spot with Madame Berger.

Cliff Lambert has bought a new home in Palm Springs, big enough (six baths, four bedrooms) to accommodate his many friends. Goody.

Nina Leif, back from three months in Paris, was celebrating her birthday at the Bistro on Saturday night with husband Ron, Pascal and James Regan and Earl and Doris Glick. And right next to them Virginia and Jerry Oppenheimer were discussing affairs of state with Jayne and Henry Berger. (Jerry reports that the English antiques-filled home where his mother Doris and stepfather Jules Stein partied with the greats of the world is for sale.) A few nights earlier the dinner crowd had included Georgia and Dominic Frontiere with Feliza and Elliott Plowe; Alexis Smith and Craig Stevens with Claudia Mirkin and Richard Gully, and Marion and Earle Jorgensen.

Barbara Walters met with architect Alie Paul to discuss the Malibu beach house Alie will design for Barbara when she becomes Mrs. Merv Adelman. The wedding, friends say, will take place after the New Year.


Definition of “casual” on an invitation: Leave the diamonds at home.
