
Anaheim : Contract Settled With Angels Concessionaire

While the City Council met inside City Hall, City Manager William Talley met outside the building to negotiate the latest settlement with the California Angels.

After several impromptu meetings Tuesday outside the building with Angels Vice President Mike Schreter, City Atty. Jack White and an official from Szabo Food Service Inc., the food concessionaire at Anaheim Stadium, Talley met with the council in a closed session.

As with other settlements, Tuesday’s agreement was announced only minutes after it was reached. The city officials agreed to extend the current contract between the city and Szabo for five years.


White and Schreter said the new agreement is the same as the current one, which nets the city and the Angels 90% of concession revenues, with the city keeping one-third of the profits and the Angels getting two-thirds, public information officer Sheri Erlewine said.

The contract was not put out to bid because it is an extension of an existing contract, which expires at the end of this year, Erlewine said. Szabo has had a contract at the stadium since March, 1976, she said.
