
‘The Joy and Dismay of Discovering Spiders’

When I first read the letter by Jerry Ginsburg responding to your editorial (Oct. 6) on spiders, I thought it was a joke or that he was just trying to be funny. The problem was, there was no punch line.

I not only enjoyed your editorial but also the letters of enjoyment written by Lillian Henry and Gordon Fisk. Ginsburg’s letter ruined all of that. It’s unfortunate that such a “brave, young, powerful man” can’t coexist with a creature that’s so frail and defenseless.

I have an unreasonable fear of spiders myself, but I have no need to destroy them. They have as much right to be here as I do.


There’s just one thing I’d like to see--the face of a policeman who gets a spider-distress call.


Los Angeles
