
Public Art

The inclusion of artworks in public places by private developers and government is becoming a pleasantly familiar part of the Orange County scene. Even more exciting than the art itself is the interest and commitment of business and government. That enthusiasm holds the promise of more beauty to come.

Last weekend the City of Santa Ana sponsored a ball to help raise funds for a sculpture to be placed in Sasscer Park. Earlier this month five major sculptural works provided by C. J. Segerstrom & Sons were dedicated at the firm’s 21-story Center Tower office building. That brought to 20 the number of public art pieces located in the South Coast Plaza Town Center, developed by Segerstrom. And last September Brea held its Mayor’s Ball to assist the city’s cultural arts program. Brea now has 62 sculptures as part of its Art-in-Public-Places program.

More artworks should be encouraged. They add a much-needed dimension of warmth and balance to the public areas that enrich community life.
