
Manhattan Beach : $375,000 for ‘Streetscape’

The City Council on Tuesday moved ahead with a plan to upgrade streets, sidewalks, benches and lampposts in the downtown area by unanimously allocating $375,000 to hire ASL Consulting Engineers/Erikkson, Peters and Thoms, Landscape Architect, to come up with architectural drawings for the project.

The long-awaited and frequently debated downtown face-lift, dubbed the “Streetscape” plan, was endorsed in concept by the council last June. The project is estimated to cost $5.5 million.

Implementation of the plan, however, has been delayed while the city searched for an appropriate contractor to translate project concepts into actual working drawings at a price acceptable to the council.


ASL Consulting Engineers/Erikkson, Peters and Thoms, Landscape Architect, bid for the project at $336,174. Four other design proposals ranged from $300,000 to almost $500,000.

The city hopes to complete the project by its 75th anniversary in July, 1987.
