
‘You Light Up My Eyes. . . ‘

Greasy kid stuff has made its way into a glamorous new look in eyeliner: Young girls in the Valley are melting down their eyeliner pencils before schmearing the softened stuff onto their eyelids.

“I was in a shoe store in the Galleria,” one yuppie observer says, “and there were these two teen-age girls trying on shoes. One of them pulled out something that I thought was a lighter and a cigarette . . . but it turned out to be a lighter and her eyeliner pencil.

“She held the tip of the lighter to the end of the pencil for a few seconds. Then she smudged the pencil around her eye for a very dark, almost Cleopatra-like look.”


The look is so hot, in fact, that one of the better makeup lines has caught on to the idea. They’ve created a coal-colored cream eyeliner that comes in a neat little compact equipped with its own tiny brush. You just dip the brush into the pot of color and paint the liner around your eyes.

“The old-fashioned, liquid eyeliner always looks dry and cakey,” one Valley makeup expert says. “This looks wet, even though it does dry. It’s a very luminescent look.”

But even better, coos one young trend-setter, “It makes me look like Sophia Loren.”
