
Long Beach : Douglas Appeals Action

The City Council has scheduled a June 10 public hearing to consider whether Douglas Aircraft Co. should be allowed to proceed with expansion plans that include a large manufacturing building for C-17 transport planes.

Last week the Planning Commission voted 5-1 against the project, over the recommendation of city staff. On Friday, Douglas filed an appeal with the City Council.

The manufacturing building proposed for the southwest corner of Carson Street and Lakewood Boulevard is the first major step in a $340-million expansion that will add 6,747 jobs to the Long Beach plant by 1991, and three major buildings.


Homeowners in Lakewood Country Club Estate oppose the building because it is 77 feet tall and closer to their homes than the 45-foot building it would replace. They say the building will shade their homes, reduce property values and subject them to industrial fumes and excessive noise. They are asking Douglas to relocate the building or reduce its height by putting it partly underground.

Relocating the building would unreasonably interfere with the manufacture of the planes, and placing it partly underground would add $10 million to $15 million to the cost, Douglas officials say.

Thomas F. Winfield, an attorney for Douglas, said he expects to meet with neighbors before the meeting to try and reach a compromise.
