
Deukmejian Veto of Bias Bill

Our out-of-touch governor George (“LaRouche”) Deukmejian, has once again shown his ignorance in public by vetoing the AIDS discrimination bill submitted by Art Agnos. How much more of this must the people of California endure?

As a Republican, I am ashamed and embarrassed by this action, even more so than when “His Blindness” vetoed AB 1 last year. This type of refusal to acknowledge true discrimination that exists against a growing section of our community is totally unacceptable.

Deukmejian’s comment that there is no evidence to warrant such legislation is pathetically weak. Even if that were true, would it not be better for the government to just once anticipate a problem and solve it before it presents itself?


With the election approaching, I would hope this latest insult will end Deukmejian’s political career before he can do any more harm.


