
Deukmejian Veto of Bias Bill

Gov. George Deukmejian’s veto of Assemblyman Art Agnos’ (D-San Francisco) AIDS anti-bias bill is just one more example of the governor’s lack of concern for California victims.

First, the governor came out for Proposition 51, which placed limits on the amount of damages victims may recover for pain and suffering--money they often depend upon to cover future medical or psychological care.

Next, the governor ordered the California Highway Patrol to withdraw its support for Assemblyman Richard Katz’s (D-Sepulveda) “rocks” legislation, which would have required tarpaulins on trucks hauling rocks, gravel and sand. The governor wasn’t concerned about the thousands of citizens who are injured by falling debris from trucks.


Then the governor’s Office of Criminal Justice Planning successfully killed Assemblyman Charles M. Calderon’s (D-Montebello) AB 2875, which would have replaced two ineffective part-time agencies with one full-time agency to administer programs for crime victims.

The governor accuses the Supreme Court of not following the “will of the people,” yet he ignores the “will of the people” when it comes to victims’ issues.



Conley is president of the Victims Legal Assistance Council.
