
Redondo Beach : Mileage Pay Change Backed

The City Council has indicated support for an ordinance that would take away the $270 monthly mileage compensation for the city clerk, city treasurer and city attorney and reimburse them at the 30-cents-per-mile rate that the city’s other six elected officials receive.

The council voted 4 to 1 to have the city attorney draft the ordinance within 60 days. Council member Marcia Martin voted no.

City Clerk John Oliver said he objects to the change unless all appointed department heads receive a per-mile reimbursement instead of the flat rate.


He also said the proposed measure would conflict with an ordinance that the council approved Nov. 4 raising the salaries of the clerk and treasurer nearly $10,000 a year, to $48,000. That ordinance entitles the two elected officials to the same benefits that the 12 department heads receive, he said.

Councilman John Chapman, who proposed the change, suggested last month that the mayor’s and five council members’ mileage reimbursement of 30 cents per mile be changed to a monthly rate, but no action was taken. Such a change would require a charter amendment approved by voters.

Chapman said all elected officials should be treated equally.
