
Jackson Voted Right of Way Chapter Chief

E. (Ray) Jackson, supervisor of leases and franchises for Unocal, has been elected 1987 president of Los Angeles Chapter No. 1, International Right of Way Assn., succeeding H. J. (Skip) Dearing of the Metropolitan Water District.

Other new officers are Paul Widrig, city of Los Angeles, president-elect; Gary L. Peck, Southern California Edison Co., first vice president; Kathryn L. Friedman, Los Angeles Unified School District, secretary-treasurer; Sharon O’Rourke, Southern California Gas Co., second vice president and Linda Reed, Los Angeles Department of Water and Power, assistant secretary.

Committee heads who are also on the board of directors are Joseph S. Atwell, Patrick D. Bradley, Venest L. Henry-Evans, David F. Metzker, Lee Moussafir, James (Duff) Murphy, Robert F. Olson, O’Rourke, Carroll Ritchie, James M. Rushing, Richard F. Triggiani, Arthur G. Velasquez and Don Zimmerman. Special committee heads are Len A. Corwin, Robert A. Martin Jr., Gordon D. Stewart and photographer Donald K. Watts.


The Inglewood-based International Right of Way Assn. has about 8,700 members in the United States and Canada. Members include appraisers, attorneys, engineers, negotiators, property managers and other realty professionals.
