
Animal Experimentation Stirs Emotions

It is both amusing and pathetic to read the kind of statements that the research community is forced to make in order to keep alive the fast-collapsing notion that experimental research on animals can help people.

Since the new anti-vivisectionist movement, which I am proud to represent, is demonstrating that animal experimentation is a scientific fraud, the research community is fighting back by saying now that animals help people and that people help animals. The statement that medical doctors and veterinarians should work together is part of the madness of the vivisectionist mentality, which refuses to accept the fact that quadrupeds (animals) are drastically different from bipeds (human beings), among other things because of the obvious role of gravity that affects the cardiovascular, circulatory, respiratory and nervous systems, not to mention the skeletal structure itself. If you add to that the knowledge we have had since time immemorial that animals also react differently to drugs, you have a clear picture of the quackery involved in this veterinary-based medicine.



Burgos is founder and director of SUPRESS, Students United to Protest Research on Sentient Subjects, an anti-vivisection organization.
