
Coors Targets Some Light Beer Ads at Women

Do real women drink light beer?

Adolph Coors Co. seems to think so. This month, the Golden, Colo.-based brewer is running ads in a handful of women’s magazines for Coors Light beer that show women with the light brew in hand. The headline exhorts women: You don’t have to be a man to appreciate a good beer.

“Women have enjoyed beer for a long time, but no one has marketed directly to them,” said Nancy Williams, national program manager for Coors. In fact, she said, nearly one-third of all light beer sold nationwide is purchased by women.

The two print ads were placed in Cosmopolitan, Ms. and several other women’s publications.

One ad features women in softball uniforms after a game and the other shows three women at a bar. Neither of the ads shows any men.


“It’s an effort to speak directly to women,” Williams explained.
