
Fans: Commissioners at Fault for L.A.’s Loss and Irwindale’s Gain

Well, the Coliseum Commission has done it again, lost us another professional football franchise. Blame the bureaucratic bungling and self-inflated egos, especially the ego of Alexander Haagen.

I remember how proud I was to have the Raiders settle in Los Angeles. The courage of the city, previous Coliseum Commission leadership and the Raiders to take on the NFL, Oakland and other detractors. Then, to have them win a Super Bowl and bring the sense of victory to this town, what a thrill! Now, after the brief term of this Deukmejian appointee, bingo, they are moving.

Clearly, if the Coliseum Commission would have kept its side of the bargain, the Raiders would not have left. But, nooooooooo! Mr. Haagen had to have his way, and everybody loses. Tar and feathers, anyone?


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