

I am hurt and confused. After giving many years of voluntary service to the patients and their families at the UCLA Medical Center, I and the other volunteers have been treated with callous disregard . . . not only for our feelings and our years of service . . . but more importantly for our health.

We received notice that we could no longer park in the hospital structure, but had to park a mile away and take the shuttle bus. The shuttle stop offers no protection from driving rain nor from searing summer heat. However, even if benches and a so-called shelter are added, they will no suffice to protect us from the elements.

Most of us are older, retired people, who are happy to give our time and caring. We perform such jobs as delivering mail, taking patients to their rooms, escorting them through discharge and giving comfort and counsel to families with loved ones in surgery.


Surely for those of us who are physically handicapped, close-in covered parking should be available. Should the immense bureaucracy of the campus really override the human and humane consideration appropriate to a center of healing?


Los Angeles
