
Unrest in the Philippines

A quiet, little revolution has taken place and the majority of the citizens have chosen democracy and Aquino as their president. The country is very friendly with the U.S. and the U.S. considers the country a vital area where favorable political and economic ideologies are preferred; democracy and capitalism are desirable.

Should the U.S. help an inchoate democracy backed by a popular president achieve economic stability? Should the U.S. help the Philippines now? Or will we wait while the poverty level covers more than the 40 million (70% of the population) humans currently held there in political and economic stagnation, and the communists foment?

Democracy in the Philippines under the Aquino government is in crises. The latest insurrection is symptomatic of an unstable economic environment that incubates political subversion. It is incumbent that President Aquino act swiftly and deliberately to bring maximum punishment to the rebels responsible for mutiny and murder.


All stops must be taken out of the “five-year plan” for land and economic reform. President Ronald Reagan and the U.S. must support this government and this president by the most liberal trade policies, initiating and encouraging more favorable terms on the debt and stimulating and fostering foreign investment in the Philippines.

The United States must husband the economic seeds to political stability or democracy in the Philippines will die on the vine.


Laguna Niguel
