
Joy Picus and West Hills

The Westhills Homeowners Assn. is extremely disappointed with Councilwoman Joy Picus’ decision to back away from the boundaries established for the community designation of West Hills in January. We supported the creation of West Hills, but were opposed to the inclusion of even the small area of flatland between Vanowen and Victory. The proposed extension of West Hills into more of the Valley will destroy the original intention.

The premise for West Hills was the creation of a small residential hillside community which could be enhanced through community action. The West Hills Property Owners Assn. was created to perform this function. Their goals are very similar to those of the Westhills Homeowners Assn., which led to the creation of Westhills (one word) by the County of Los Angeles in 1974. The contemplated boundary change is in response to unfounded concerns by groups outside West Hills and is extremely damaging to all the residents in and out of West Hills.

It is reported that the people pushing for expansion of West Hills feel that property values in their area have suffered as a result of the creation of West Hills. It is clear from Los Angeles Times coverage of the West Hills/Canoga Park division that there is very little difference in property values between West Hills and Canoga Park other than the fact that the homes in the western end of the area are typically newer and larger. It is also clear that Canoga Park property values will rise rapidly as a result of the business construction in Warner Center and the creation of a “downtown” San Fernando Valley. This growth and revitalization of the area will increase the property values of the neighboring homes as long as the residents are active in maintaining and improving their own neighborhoods. It has nothing to do with the name.


It is clear that the only interest of the groups wishing to be included in the community of West Hills is a perceived quick increase in property value. They have no plan or interest in community improvement. Their efforts are in stark contrast to the residents of West Hills, who have organized community activities, Neighborhood Watch programs and are actively pursuing traffic problems, graffiti cleanup and new park facilities.

The board of the Westhills Homeowners Assn. has voted to oppose any changes to the established borders of West Hills without the approval of the majority of the residents of West Hills. We feel it would be undemocratic to allow arbitrary changes without the consent of the people who created West Hills in the first place. They did this through a petition drive, which was 80% in favor of the name change.

It is also suggested that, if there is another group within Canoga Park which also favors a name change, as demonstrated by petitions, they should be entitled to create their own designation other than West Hills. The community of Fallbrook would be a good choice. The name of Walnut Groves would be another. This would commemorate the walnut trees which populated this end of the Valley before it was developed.




Rothenberg is president of the Westhills Homeowners Assn.
