
New Rules, Fund to Aid Drug Fight

The San Diego City Council on Monday approved new rules and provided $100,000 in funding to help police and code enforcement officials stamp out drug dealing and other criminal activity around abandoned or dilapidated buildings.

Under the expanded policies, the city’s Building Inspection Department has more leeway to shut down or demolish buildings where criminal activities are taking place.

Currently, there are about 100 abandoned buildings in the city, and officials say the city will press to get about 50 of them torn down or improved.


Called Haven for Dealing

Police say many of the buildings become havens for drug dealers and manufacturers. Under the new city rules, such activities will represent a justifiable reason for officials to seek demolition of the structure or force the owner to secure the premises.

The package approved by the council also establishes a $100,000 fund to help finance efforts by various city departments to deal with the troubled buildings. To help supplement the fund, money that is drawn from liens or assessments made on the owners of abandoned buildings will flow into the fund’s coffers.
