

Each state has an office of tourism to provide assistance to visitors. When requesting information, please be as specific as possible.

ALABAMA: Alabama Bureau of Tourism and Travel, 532 S. Perry St., Montgomery 36104; (800) 252-2262.

ALASKA: Alaska Division of Tourism, P.O. Box E, Juneau 99811; (907) 465-2010.

ARIZONA: Arizona Office of Tourism, 1480 E. Bethany Home Road, Suite 180, Phoenix 85014; (602) 255-3618.


ARKANSAS: Arkansas Department of Parks and Tourism, 1 Capitol Mall, Little Rock 72201; (501) 682-1511.

CALIFORNIA: California Department of Tourism, 1121 L St., Suite 103, Sacramento 95814; (800) TO-CALIF.

COLORADO: Colorado Tourism Board, 1625 Broadway, Suite 1700, Denver 80202; (800) 255-5550.

CONNECTICUT: Connecticut Department of Economic Development, 210 Washington St., Hartford 06106; (203) 566-3385.


DELAWARE: Delaware Tourism Office, 99 Kings Highway, P.O. Box 1401, Dover 19903; (800) 441-8846.

FLORIDA: Florida Department of Commerce, International Tourism, 107 W. Gaines St., Suite 410D, Tallahassee 32399-2000; (904) 488-4141.

GEORGIA: Department of Industry and Trade, Georgia Tourist Division, P.O. Box 1776, Atlanta 30301; (404) 656-3590.


HAWAII: Hawaii Visitors Bureau, 3440 Wilshire Blvd., Los Angeles 90010; (213) 385-5301.

IDAHO: Department of Commerce, Idaho Travel Council, 700 W. State St., Boise 83720; (208) 334-2470 or (800) 635-7820.

ILLINOIS: Illinois Office of Tourism, State of Illinois Center, 100 W. Randolph St., Suite 3-400, Chicago 60601; (312) 917-4732.

INDIANA: Tourism Division, Indiana Department of Commerce, 1 N. Capitol Ave., Suite 700, Indianapolis 46204; (317) 232-8860.

IOWA: Iowa Department of Economic Development, Tourism and Film Office, 200 E. Grand Ave., Suite A, Des Moines 50309; (800) 345-IOWA.

KANSAS: Kansas Department of Commerce, Travel and Tourism Division, 400 S.W. 8th St., 5th Floor, Topeka 66603; (913) 296-3481.

KENTUCKY: Kentucky Department of Travel Development, Capitol Plaza Tower, 22nd Floor, Frankfort 40601; (800) 225-8747.


LOUISIANA: Louisiana Office of Tourism, P.O. Box 94291, Baton Rouge 70804-9291; (800) 334-8626.

MAINE: Maine Publicity Bureau, 97 Winthrop St., Hallowell 04347; (207) 289-2423.

MARYLAND: Maryland Office of Tourism, 45 Calvert St., Annapolis 21401; (301) 974-3517.

MASSACHUSETTS: Massachusetts Office of Travel and Tourism , 100 Cambridge St., 13th Floor, Boston 02202; (617) 727-3201.

MICHIGAN: Michigan Travel Bureau, Department of Commerce, Box 30226, Lansing 48909; (800) 5432-YES.

MINNESOTA: Minnesota Office of Tourism, 250 Skyway Level, 375 Jackson St., St. Paul 55101; (800) 328-1461.

MISSISSIPPI: Mississippi Department of Economic Development, Mississippi Division of Tourism, P.O. Box 849, Jackson 39205-0849; (800) 647-2290.

MISSOURI: Missouri Division of Tourism, P.O. Box 1055, Jefferson City 65102; (314) 751-4133.


MONTANA: Travel Montana, Montana Department of Commerce, 1424 9th Ave., Helena 59620; (800) 541-1447.

NEBRASKA: Travel and Tourism, State Department of Economic Development, P.O. Box 94666, Lincoln 68509; (800) 228-4307.

NEVADA: Nevada Commission on Tourism, Capitol Complex, Carson City 89710; (702) 885-4322.

NEW HAMPSHIRE: Office of Vacation Travel, P.O. Box 856, Concord 03301; (603) 271-2343.

NEW JERSEY: Department of Commerce and Economic Development, Division of Travel and Tourism, CN 826, 1 W. State St., Trenton 08625; (609) 292-2470.

NEW MEXICO: New Mexico Tourism & Travel Division, Joe Montoya Building, 1100 St. Francis Drive, Santa Fe 87503; (800) 545-2040.

NEW YORK: Division of Tourism, Department of Economic Development, 1 Commerce Plaza, Albany 12245; (800) CALL-NYS.

NORTH CAROLINA: North Carolina Division of Travel and Tourism, Department of Commerce, 430 N. Salisbury St., 6th Floor, Raleigh 27611; (800) VISIT-NC.


NORTH DAKOTA: Tourism Promotion Division, Liberty Memorial Building, State Capitol Grounds, Bismarck 58505; (800) 437-2077.

OHIO: Ohio Office of Travel & Tourism, P.O. Box 1001, Columbus 43216; (800) 848-1300.

OKLAHOMA: Tourism and Recreation Department, Marketing Services Division, 500 Will Rogers Building, Oklahoma City 73105; (405) 521-2406.

OREGON: Tourism Division, Oregon Economic Development Department, 595 Cottage St. N.E., Salem 97310; (800) 547-7842.

PENNSYLVANIA: Travel Development Bureau, Department of Commerce, 416 Forum Building, Harrisburg 17120; (800) VISIT-PA.

RHODE ISLAND: Rhode Island Department of Economic Development, 7 Jackson Walkway, Providence 02903; (401) 277-2601.

SOUTH CAROLINA: South Carolina Department of Parks, Recreation and Tourism, Inquiry Sections, P.O. Box 71, Columbia 29202; (803) 734-0122.


SOUTH DAKOTA: South Dakota Department of Tourism, Capitol Lake Plaza Building, 711 Wells Ave., Pierre 57501; (800) 843-8000.

TENNESSEE: Tennessee Tourist Development, P.O. Box 23170, Nashville 37202; (615) 741-2158.

TEXAS: Texas Division, Texas Department of Commerce, P.O. Box 12008, Capitol Station, Austin 78711; (512) 462-9191.

UTAH: Utah Travel Council, Council Hall, Capitol Hill, Salt Lake City 84114; (801) 533-5681.

VERMONT: Travel Division, Agency of Development and Community Affairs, 134 State St., Montpelier 05602; (802) 828-3236.

VIRGINIA: Division of Tourism, 202 North 9th St., Suite 500, Richmond 23219; (804) 786-4484.

WASHINGTON: Washington State Tourism, 101 General Administration Building, Olympia 98504; (206) 586-2088.


WASHINGTON, D.C.: Washington Convention and Visitors Assn., 1575 Eye St. N.W., Suite 250, Washington, D.C. 20005; (202) 789-7000.

WEST VIRGINIA: West Virginia Travel and Tourism, 1900 Washington St. E., Building 6, Room B-564, Charleston 25305; (800) CALL-WVA.

WISCONSIN: Wisconsin Division of Tourism, P.O. Box 7606, Madison 53707; (608) 266-2161.

WYOMING: Wyoming Travel Commission, Frank Norris Jr. Travel Center, I-25 and College Drive, Cheyenne 82002; (800) CALL-WYO.
