
New Condor Chick Shows Healthy Signs

The 2-day-old captive-bred condor, Molloko, has nearly regained its initial weight loss and has shown its first signs of coordination, San Diego Wild Animal Park officials said Sunday.

The chick has eaten a total of 30 newborn mice finely minced and mixed with chicken egg yolk, park spokesman Tom Hanscom said.

Also, the 6 3/4-ounce chick was lifting its head on its own on Sunday morning, its first signs of coordination, according to Hanscom.


Molloko, the Maidu Indian word for condor, is the result of a $20-million scientific effort to save the bird from extinction. The first condor conceived in captivity, Molloko hatched Friday evening with some help from its keepers who had kept a three-day, round-the-clock vigil.

By mid-week, Molloko is expected to advance to a diet of partially digested food regurgitated by other vultures at the park.
