
Local News in Brief : Tustin : Kelly Gets Extension for Decorative Office

“Honest John” Kelly’s campaign office on El Camino Real is legal now, ending a brief squabble over whether the red-and-white bunting hanging from the condemned building must go.

Kelly, mayor of Tustin and a Republican candidate for Congress, had a temporary permit to use the building but had no permit for the flags, bunting and signs he draped across the facade.

City officials said the decorations violated sign ordinances and had to go.

Kelly complied--sort of. He left the bunting and applied for a sign permit, which was granted by city administrators.


Monday night the city Planning Commission, apparently satisfied with Kelly’s adherence to city protocol, granted him a extension of his permit to occupy the building until June 14, a week after the primary election.

Kelly is one of several challengers in the Republican primary to succeed retiring Rep. Robert E. Badham (R-Newport Beach) in the 40th Congressional District.
