
Classes Resumed as Probe of School Rampage Broadens

Associated Press

Classes were resumed at Hubbard Woods Elementary School on Tuesday for the first time since Laurie Dann’s murderous rampage, and authorities stepped up their efforts to learn how Dann, despite erratic and often threatening behavior, was always one step ahead of the law.

Dann stormed into the school Friday and fired on pupils in a second-grade classroom, fatally wounding an 8-year-old boy and injuring five other children. She wounded a seventh person at a nearby house where she barricaded herself before taking her own life.

Sgt. Gene Kalvaitis, spokesman for Winnetka Police Chief Herbert Timm, said that investigators were dispatched Tuesday to Madison, Wis., and Tucson, Ariz., to gain more information about Dann’s “motivation.”


In Madison, the investigators planned to join federal and local law enforcement officers in looking over the contents of an apartment Dann had rented since January. In Tucson, the investigators were to interview a one-time boyfriend of Dann to whom she had recently made death threats.

“The feeling is, if we understand her motivation, we might be able to stop something like this from happening in the future,” Kalvaitis said.
