
Fisher, Jerusalem Bureau Chief, Will Receive Lurie Award

Dan Fisher, chief of The Times’ Jerusalem Bureau, will be awarded the third annual New Israel Fund Lurie Award for Outstanding Reporting, a spokesman for the fund announced Tuesday in New York.

The award, named for the founder and former editor of the Jerusalem Post, Ted Lurie, will be presented to Fisher on July 10 in Jerusalem, the spokesman said. It will be accompanied by a $1,000 prize.

Fisher was selected on the basis of a series of four articles concerning the impact of the 1967 Six-Day War on Israeli society over 20 years. The articles appeared in The Times in June, 1987.


The spokesman described the New Israel Fund as a partnership of Israelis and North American Jews dedicated to social justice and the democratic process in Israel. Its panel of judges for the Lurie Award was headed by Wolf Blitzer of the Jerusalem Post and Martin Peretz of the New Republic magazine.

Fisher, 46, has been chief of The Times’ Jerusalem Bureau since 1984. Earlier, he headed the Moscow and Warsaw bureaus and served in Los Angeles as assistant financial editor.
