
Cary Grantmanship

As a longtime Cary Grant fan, please count me among those who will be “pleased” and “relieved,” as future co-author William Royce put it, to read the story of Grant’s relationship with former fan magazine writer Maureen Donaldson in her upcoming book, “An Affair to Remember” (Outtakes, June 12).

I have absolutely no interest in reading that other book about Grant’s love life by Charles Higham (“Cary Grant: A Double Life”), which will chronicle the late actor’s alleged homosexual liaisons.

I fail to see what good can be accomplished by publishing such a book, much less by someone actually buying it. To me--and millions of others around the world--Grant epitomized elegance, sophistication and masculinity for decades.

And he always will. I personally do not care if, in his private life, he liked to play hop-scotch while wearing a diaper on his head.


That was--and is--nobody’s business except Grant’s. And he is no longer around to defend himself from equally ludicrous allegations by Higham.


North Hollywood
