
Graduation Oaths

Talk about deja vu !

Another loyalty oath in a different time but with the same fascist intents (“Graduation Oath Stirs Debate,” Part I, June 22). Instead of McCarthyites, the pledge proponents are elitist social engineers masquerading as protectors of the environment.

Reading this article took me back to my college days in the anti-Communist paranoia ‘50s when I was told by the registrar, “Son, you can’t register this semester until you sign your loyalty oath.”

I can imagine what next semester’s “pledge” will contain:

“Are you now or have you ever been a toxic polluter?”

“Do you support any organizations that advocate the drilling for oil, mining of minerals, logging of timber or building of houses?”


Candidates for graduation who fail these environmental-sensibility questions will be relocated from the West Coast to camps at a strip mine in Appalachia where they will be given training in monkey-wrenching, and conducting anti-development workshops with movie stars, folk singers and nursing mothers in homespun.


