
Cuts in Budgets for State’s Universities

Having just read that the four-concert tour held every summer at UCI has been canceled for budgetary reasons, I am angry enough to write The Times, which is something I do not do often.

I have just returned from a year of study in South America, where because of our university system, I was able to attend one of the best universities there. Once there, I was able to appreciate how the California university system is far superior. However, it is sad to see that our wonderful university system is once again a target of one of Deukmejian’s budget cuts.

We already have to deal with overcrowding, lack of lecture halls (no university I know of in South America uses a movie theater for a lecture hall) and higher tuitions (that rise faster than inflation). We need public universities and although they may not be financially profitable, their good outweighs their cost. As Deukmejian is once again cutting the university’s budgets, I would like him to think about a quote: “If you think education is expensive, try life without it.”



Newport Beach
