
Fund-Raiser Today Will Aid Family of Shooting Victim

Friends and neighbors today will hold a memorial fund-raiser for the family of Frank Martinez, the Westminster teen-ager slain by police July 16.

The event will be from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. at Siegler Park, at the corner of Park and Olive streets in Westminster. A menudo breakfast will be available at 7 a.m. for $2.50 and $3.50, and a taco lunch for $3.50.

A 12:30 p.m. program will feature speakers Don Jackson, a sergeant with the Hawthorne Police Department, Geri Silva of the Los Angeles Equal Rights Congress and David Lynn, a lawyer who has written a book on police misconduct.


Volleyball, horseshoes and children’s activities will be available.

Money raised will help the Martinez family pay for funeral and legal expenses, a family friend said. The Westminster Boys Club is also accepting donations.

A car wash held last weekend raised more than $1,000 for the family. Family and friends say Martinez died in dispute provoked by police. Police said they were being attacked by a crowd at a Martinez party.
