
Work Resumes on Project Neighbors Say Is Too Tall

Work resumed Tuesday on a controversial three-story Studio City office building that annoyed neighbors contend is actually seven stories tall.

Los Angeles city officials rescinded a stop-work order issued last week for the Fairway Building, which is nearing completion at Ventura Boulevard and Fairway Avenue. Construction was ordered halted after Building and Safety inspectors decided that a roof-top elevator enclosure constituted an unauthorized floor on the structure.

Officials decided work could resume after ruling that the enclosure would not be counted as an extra story if its roof was removed.


Resumption of work angered foes of the building, who have alleged that loopholes in city building laws enabled the project’s developers to build a structure that is 95 feet tall on land zoned for a maximum height of 45 feet.

Daniel M. Shapiro, a lawyer for nearby homeowners who complain that their view is blocked by the new building, had asked the city to halt construction until an environmental impact report is prepared for the project.

Such a report would prove that the city erred in authorizing construction of the $4.3-million office building, Shapiro said, clearing the way for officials to order its height lowered.


Aides to Los Angeles City Councilman Michael Woo--who has called for demolition of the top two floors of the building--said Tuesday that Woo will ask for a “full environmental review” of the building.

Whether a complete environmental impact report will be sought is uncertain, said Eric Roth, a deputy to Woo. Roth said Woo will ask Building and Safety Department administrators for the review in several days.

“The councilman has said he will not be satisfied until the top couple of floors are torn out,” Roth said.
