
Plentiful Computers but Low Student Use

“A new congressional report puts the student-to-computer ratio at 30 to 1 in the public schools but indicates that the average student spends only about an hour a week using the computer,” reports a story in the November issue of NEA Today, the newspaper of the National Education Assn.

“The report estimates that schools have spent $2 billion on computer hardware in the last decade.

“On the home front, a new Gallup survey indicates that one of every five U.S. households owns a personal computer. The machines are installed in nearly 58% of the households where wage-earners bring home between $20,000 and $50,000 a year.”


Competing against 12 bands, the University High School Trojan Marching Band and Tall Flags won sweepstakes trophies at the San Dieguito High School Field Show tournament held Oct. 29 in Encinitas.

The Trojan band took home a $250 award for first-place finishes in music score, music sweepstakes and percussion. The drill team finished in second place. Peter Fournier is the band’s director. Joe Massaro is assistant director. Student leaders are senior drum major James Coomes, assistant drum major Kara Wilson, drill team captain Karen Vail and color guard captain Monica Jaguzny.

“The intelligent man finds almost everything ridiculous, the sensible man hardly anything.”


--Goethe (1749-1832)
