
U2 Temptations

Yo, Bob Hilburn! Relax.

Out here in the world, away from West L.A. yuppies, nobody’s worried about what rock music critics are saying about U2. “Rattle and Hum” is selling just fine. I know I’m wearing out my copy.

I think you’ve got an exaggerated sense of the importance of these scribblers and natterers. In an age that pays Bob Dornan, David Sheehan and Yogi Berra hard cash for their opinions, the game is up. The critical coin has been too debased.

It’s my guess the only people who take rock critics seriously are other rock critics.

Didn’t Jackson Browne blow the whistle on you guys? Kind of threw his hands in the air and declared you all crazy. And that was more than a decade ago.


We only read you guys out of morbid curiosity. You know, like serial killings, pigs that fall from the sky, that sort of thing.


Los Angeles
