
Maximum Benefits From Bolsa Chica

I would like to comment on two important policy alternatives concerning the Bolsa Chica wetlands. Signal Landmark Corp. wants maximum development of the area. The Amigos de Bolsa Chica wants the area to be restored as wetlands. Which alternative gives maximum benefit to the most citizens?

The Amigos, a group of concerned citizens who have been fighting for over 10 years to preserve the area in its natural state, contend that the land is historically an area of wetlands which supported a variety of flora and fauna. According to the state Constitution, wetlands cannot be bought or sold and should be held in public trust. Much of the Bolsa Chica wetlands was destroyed by human intervention early in this century, but a recent 150-acre restoration project proves the whole lowland area can be successfully restored to wetlands. The restoration would benefit all citizens that have access to the area now and in the future by providing open space, a pleasant haven from development, expanded recreation areas, a safe place for several endangered species to breed, and a place for ecological studies.

It is clear to me that the restoration of the Bolsa Chica Wetlands is the alternative that gives maximum benefit to the most citizens in a non-exclusionary manner. There is no turning back from the kind of development Signal wants at great public expense, and only a small proportion of the public would benefit from the development.


This is a chance for our elected officials not only to maximize citizens’ benefits and minimize public costs, but to uphold the public trust of scarce resources. More than 90% of California’s coastal wetlands have been lost forever to development; Bolsa Chica must be protected from this fate.


Fountain Valley
