
Banning Gay Speakers at Corona del Mar High School

It appears as though Supt. John Nicoll is suffering from the squeaky-wheel syndrome. Once you begin to set district policies governed by people’s insecurities, you swing wide the door to what becomes hysteria.

For instance, take the Wippermans’ letter (Feb. 5). Their informative opinion is one well taken; however, it is completely irrelevant and inaccurate. The inaccuracy comes into play when they state that the position of my brother, Mike Marino, is one which states that homosexuality is determined prenatally. This is a complete distortion of his view. He presents all views and has stated, “this is only one theory.” The irrelevance comes into play because these speakers do not offer why or how they are gay, nor do they recruit or promote their life style.

For years Mike Marino’s classes have introduced students to different kinds of life styles by having guest speakers who share what it feels like to be either gay, drug-addicted or a criminal. This personal insight gives students a chance to obtain discernment in a life faced with many decisions and pressures. If parents really want to obtain the facts from the source and listen with an objective mind, why not sit in on Marino’s lecture?


We must realize that the “elective” course taught by Mike Marino is based on many theories, and contradicting viewpoints are expressed. These concerns should be further discussed by parents, clergy and additional textbooks. It being an elective course, these “taxpayers” do not have to have their children subjected to this class or any other class in which their child would not benefit. Must they impose their insecurities on the rest of the student body?

While I, too, am a Christian and do not share many theories I have learned in school over the years, at least I was exposed to them to form my own conclusions and even had opportunities to share my faith as a result. These experiences prepare high school students for the very real world. It gives students a broad base of knowledge, instead of a narrow-minded view. Let us not blindly attack a teacher who has dedicated himself to providing students at Corona del Mar the best possible learning experience. Let us get the facts straight and encourage one another’s good works.


Huntington Beach
