
Dundee Claims Ali Would Beat Tyson

Angelo Dundee and the Washington Post’s Shirley Povich got to talking the other day in Miami and, what with one thing and another, Povich got Dundee to make some remarkable statements.

Herewith, a sampling of the wit and wisdom of boxing’s resident philosopher:

--”Tyson? Muhammad Ali would do a number on him, slap him around good . . . “

--”Sugar Ray Leonard should have knocked out Marvin Hagler in the late rounds when Hagler was tired and lunging, and asking for the right uppercut, but Ray was too cautious . . .”

--”Leonard will be in big trouble against Tommy Hearns if he’s no sharper than he was against Donny LaLonde, that amateur.”


--”Don’t count on landing a punch against Roberto (Duran) . . . . Also, he psyches you. He don’t know English, but he insults you with sign language, like that obscene stuff with his fingers.”

--”If you’re looking for any more Muhammad Alis, forget it. Tyson’s king.”

Angelo on the fight game: Dundee has some definite opinions on the state of his sport.

“It’s haywire,” he said. “Hearns gets knocked out by Leonard and Hagler, then he blows his super-middle(weight) title to Iran Barkley, who also knocks him out . . . and now he can’t win for losing, and he’s getting the biggest payday of his life, around $10 million for fighting Leonard.

“Pay TV is making millionaires of anybody who can throw a punch. . . .

“Boom Boom Mancini, he gets beaten up pretty good four years ago, and for four years he don’t fight, and then he comes back and gets $1.4 mil(lion) for going in with Hector Camacho, who also comes out of a retirement. . . .


“It’s like boxing is running a senior tour, like golf, for the over-the-hill guys . . .”

Trivia: He may be sidelined now by an injured wrist, but the Oakland Athletics’ Jose Canseco leads active players with an average of 73 runs batted in per 100 games. Who is the all-time leader?

More forgettable quotes: “Anybody who knows me, knows I won’t resign”-- former Kentucky basketball coach Eddie Sutton.

“We’re going to the Final Four”--Georgetown’s Dikembe Mutombo.

“He’s going to be tough”--Michael Nunn before he knocked out Italy’s Sumbu Kalambay 88 seconds into Round 1.

Blind leading the near-blind: Venezuela’s Antonio Esparragoza successfully defended World Boxing Assn. featherweight title in Tokyo last Sunday, but should he have been allowed to fight?

In a pre-fight physical, the 29-year-old right-hander registered 0.3 out of a possible 2.0 on his right eye and 0.5 on his left eye.


“It wouldn’t affect the fight. The two boxers are fit,” said Japan Boxing Commission doctor Akira Kimura.

Right. It’s a wonder Esparragoza could even see his Japanese challenger, Mitsuru Sugiya, let alone beat him.

Trivia answer: Lou Gehrig with 92.

Quotebook: From San Diego Padres announcer Jerry Coleman’s growing list of malapropisms: “Over the course of a season, a miscue will cost you more games than a good play.”
