
Cutting Surtax on Medicare

The front-page article “Bentsen Seeks Cut in Medicare Surtax Placed on Elderly” (April 21) states that “Bentsen blamed ‘misinformation’ for much of the controversy over the surtax. He noted that the top premium $1,600 per year, would be paid by couples with incomes of $74,000 a year or more.”

I suggest that Sen. Lloyd Bentsen (D-Tex.) is dishing out misinformation. If I am correctly reading the IRS Form 1040 ES for 1989 instructions, couples over 65, who use the standard deductions, will pay the full $1,600 premium tax if their income exceeds $62,900 per year. Not the $74,000 claimed by the senator. Incidentally, none of this tax is deductible as a medical expense.


