
Alaska Spill and ‘Big Oil’

Thank God for Rep. Mel Levine (“Alaska Spill Energizes Vigilance in California,” Op-Ed Page, May 8) and all your other writers, for keeping the horror and devastation of the Valdez oil spill alive and ticking before the public eye. Perhaps the public will eventually see what oil industry white lies and public apathy can do.

It makes me disgusted and sad to see the animals, birds, and the marine life dying from the oil that was so carelessly spilled.

It makes me raging mad that Exxon is so irresponsible about cleaning up the mess. I’ll bet they’re right on top of things when getting their oil leases from the government. In fact, Exxon action can be real swift. Recently Exxon agreed to give $4 million toward a public information campaign to offset the effects of the Valdez accident on Alaska’s tourism industry.


When selfish or monetary reasons are at the core, action occurs, doesn’t it?

Thanks to Conrad, too. His cartoon on “Whitewash” (May 8) describes it all to a T.


