
Santa Monica : 8% Telephone Tax Imposed

Starting in September, Santa Monica residents will pay an 8% tax to the city for out-of-state and international telephone calls.

The city has been taxing only long-distance phone calls made within California. The council voted 6 to 1 on Tuesday to impose additional taxes for interstate and international telephone calls originating in Santa Monica.

The tax will apply to any telephone communication service, including mobile phones and facsimile machines.


If taxpayers can prove they have already paid a tax on a phone call, they will be given a refund. This condition was included, said City Atty. Robert M. Myers, for those few cases in which a call originating in Santa Monica might be taxed by the city of Los Angeles, for example.

Councilman David Finkel asked the city staff to look into exempting low-income residents, senior citizens and nonprofit organizations from the tax.

Councilman Herb Katz said he opposed all telephone taxes and voted against the measure.
