
Toddler Hit, Killed by Uncle’s Truck

A toddler was struck and killed by his uncle’s truck outside a relative’s Norwalk home, authorities said.

Ryan Anthony Moss, 22 months, of Fullerton, died less than an hour after he was hit Saturday night by the vehicle’s right front tire, Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Sgt. Matthew McDannel said.

The uncle, Charles Vincent Simmons, 29, was not cited. “From what we can tell,” McDannel said, “it was just a tragic accident.”


Authorities said Ryan was being watched by an aunt, Judy Gaysford, at the home in the 12600 block of Longworth Avenue. Neither of the boy’s parents was present.

There had been a party at the house and several people had gathered outside about 8 p.m. as guests left. When Simmons said goodby to his sister, Ryan was playing with other youngsters, but stepped off the curb into the street, officers said.
