
Salvation of Carl’s Sole Can Be a Sticky Situation

Carl Camp of Granada Hills is wondering whether it is still possible to buy glue-on soles for resoling shoes; lately he has not been able to locate any. Can you help Camp squeak by just one more time, or is he no shoo-in to ever get his sole saved?

Bernd Ahrens of Pasadena has been frustrated in efforts to locate short-sleeved blue-and-white and red-and-white checked sport shirts. Can you see to it that Ahrens keeps his shirt on, or will his new dress code force him to pay cash from now on?

James Graham of Arcadia is looking for someone who can hand-braid a wool rug for him. Can you give him a hand with this, or might Graham just as well start woolgathering because everybody’s trying to pull the rug out from under him?


For a daughter with three young children, Mrs. J. H. Bukaty of La Mirada needs a Flip-It bathtub drain stopper, a metal disk that opens and closes with a little lever. Can you apply some leverage before the babies throw the mother out with the bath water, or will this be another hope that goes down the drain?

Reader-to-Reader Help Line: Because her family has grown, Bonnie at (714) 496-1507 needs a few additional Charles Eames dining room chairs-- molded plywood with molded plywood legs; the ones she has now were bought in 1948. Please see to it that her family won’t have to stand around forever while dinner is being served. . . . Patti at (714) 860-4446 or (213) 829-6811 will be happy to pay for an M&M; wristwatch that was given away by the candy company as a promotional item a year or so ago; at that time, she was busy elsewhere, and now the company says they have no more in stock. Please give Patti something to chew on so that the next time she won’t watch precious seconds tick away.

Note: The Reader-to-Reader Help Line is only for one-time items or for products no longer available in stores. And you must give us written permission to publish your telephone number, so that others may contact you directly.

Last week, when we published Lyla’s request for a Dressie Bessie doll, we listed an incorrect phone number. So, if you have information for Lyla, please be a doll and call her again. The correct number is (714) 951-1083.


For C. H. Walker of Downey, who wanted an antique lamp shade replaced, we have only one definite ray of light. A Lawndale reader says she does this type of work as a pastime, so we sent her phone number to Walker. If anyone else is interested in having antique lamp shades worked on, please send us a stamped, self-addressed envelope and we will forward it.

Leonard Ross of Hollywood, who needed to replace glass chimneys in Colonial-style wall lamps, may not have to climb the walls after all. Neal Singleton of Okell’s Fireplace, 134 Pacific Coast Highway in Hermosa Beach, (213) 376-3448, says he may be able to help Ross. June Jordan of Walnut mentioned the Lamp & Shade Shop, 147 W. Badillo St., Covina, (818) 339-7278. And Robin Brisco of Tustin suggests Kona Lighting, 8372 Katella Ave., Stanton, (714) 828-0910; they are open only Wednesday to Saturday. (These last two places might also be able to help C. H. Walker find a lamp shade.) In addition, we have a mail-order source: Renovator’s Supply, Millers Falls, Mass. 01349, telephone (413) 659-2211 (submitted by an anonymous Long Beach reader).

Hain cannot answer mail personally but will, space permitting, respond in this column to readers who need--or have--helpful information. Write (do not telephone) to You Can Help!, You section, the Times, Times Mirror Square, Los Angeles 90053.
