
Talks With City Workers Resume

After a two-week stalemate, contract negotiation resumed Friday between Torrance city officials and representatives of a municipal employees group of about 400 blue-collar workers.

The two sides had not met since members of Local 1117, American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees, voted July 18 to reject a contract offer and authorize a strike vote.

On Thursday, representatives for the city and the union met with leaders of the Los Angeles County Federation of Labor, AFL-CIO to try to resume talks, according to labor officials.


Negotiations continued all day Friday at City Hall and City Manager LeRoy Jackson said he expects talks to continue Monday. Jackson said any agreement reached between city officials and union leaders needs the final approval of the City Council and a vote of the union membership.

John Garfield, a representative for the union’s district council, said Friday that he was optimistic about reaching a settlement to avert a strike.

About 50 members of the union, which includes bus drivers, sanitation workers, mechanics and electricians, picketed in front of City Hall last week.


Labor leaders said earlier last week that the two sides needed to resolve union demands for an additional paid holiday, payment for unused sick leave, withholding of union dues, and an increase in health insurance coverage.
