
High-Speed Chases

Yet another high-speed chase and loss of lives. When will this carnage on the highways and freeways stop? Is a life so unimportant that we will risk it by chasing people on the roads and endangering innocent lives?

On Aug. 9, a Fullerton woman is killed as a result of police officers chasing a suspect who is driving erratically--an innocent victim. As you quoted in the papers, “nine people were killed in pursuit crashes in Orange County.” This is in Orange County alone. Two of those people were my daughter’s close friends, killed last Christmas Day by a police officer in pursuit of a family disturbance in Westminster.

When will it end? Can’t more discretion be adopted by the law enforcement agencies and decisions made at the time the law is broken to ask the question, “Do we really need to race on the highways to arrest a lawbreaker where we might kill an innocent person in the act?”



