
Rev. Lou Sheldon and Rights of Homosexuals

I was greatly upset by the Rev. Lou Sheldon’s article in your Opinion section Aug. 20. Do the religious “leaders” lack moral integrity? Sheldon states, “The median male homosexual, the Centers of Disease Control discovered in the early days of AIDS, has more than 500 sex partners.” This is only one of many fear-inciting (statements) that the New Right fundamentalist Sheldon makes in his negative campaign against citizens in his struggle for power.

According to official spokesperson Charles Fallis at the Centers for Disease Control, Sheldon’s claim is conjecture: “I don’t know where he got that figure, the CDC does not track that kind of information.”

As upset as I may have been by Sheldon’s appeal to fear and hatred, I found an equal amount of spiritual inspiration in Jean Forbath’s story in the same section and issue: Christian charity done selflessly. I work with dying AIDS patients and understand the need for kindness, warmth and gentleness. Sheldon could relearn the meaning of Christianity from this woman.



