
Eurailpass Introduces New Passes

Eurailpass will introduce two new Flexipass tickets in 1990.

One pass, $198, allows five days of rail travel within a 15-day period. You can also get a pass for $458 that permits 14 days of travel within a month. Travel doesn’t have to be on consecutive days.

Eurailpass also is continuing its existing Flexipass, which offers travel on nine of 21 days. Next year the pass will cost $360, up from $340.

Prices Rise

In addition, Eurailpass is continuing its various consecutive-day travel passes. The 15-day pass will cost $340 in 1990, up from $320, and the 21-day pass, $440, up from $398.


Rates for a one-month pass will be $550 compared to $498 last year. And prices for the two- and three-month passes will be $750 and $930, up from $698 and $860, respectively.

The Eurail Saverpass, two or more people traveling together 15 consecutive days, costs $240 per person, up from $230. However, a minimum of three people will be required to get this pass during the period from April 1 to Sept. 30, 1990.

The Eurail Youthpass, for people under 26 years and good for second-class passage, will cost $380 for one month and $500 for two months, up from $360 and $470, respectively.


Each Eurailpass is good for unlimited first-class (except for the Youthpass) train travel in 17 countries: Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, West Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden and Switzerland.

The passes must be bought in the United States. All of the passes are good for six months from the date of purchase. If you plan to travel within Europe during the first half of 1990, buy the pass this year and save money.

The passes represent one of the better values for traveling around Europe inexpensively and conveniently (train stations are usually central). The passes also offer such benefits as free or reduced fares on ferries, lake and river steamers, ships and buses.


If you plan to spend much time in a single country, check on that country’s rail passes. You may save.
