
McMahon Imparts Some More Wisdom

Jim McMahon had another interesting exchange with a reporter Friday, continuing his theme for the week.

In a brief, obscenity-laced interview with Dennis Georgatos of the Associated Press, McMahon said he didn’t want to talk about why he blew his nose on a reporter Monday.

“I’ve got nothing to say on anything,” he said. “I’ve got no opinions on anything. I’m a mush brain.”


Asked if he would apologize for the earlier incident, McMahon said, “Hell, no. It was either that or beat the . . . out of him, but you can’t get sued for sneezing.”

He cut off the interview by walking to a trash can in the locker room and loudly blowing his nose into it.

Coach Dan Henning has discussed Monday’s incident with McMahon but has said there will be no disciplinary action.


“I don’t believe I can legislate good manners,” Henning said.
