
Marching Through the Canyon to Protest Laguna Laurel Plan

Your front-page picture and Save Laguna Canyon Walk article (Nov. 12) totally failed to capture the true spirit of the many thousands who, on Nov. 11, walked to save Laguna Canyon. The reporters missed the story by such a wide margin that one wonders whether Donald Bren had the reporters on the Irvine Co. staff payroll.

What the article failed to report was that a cross-section of Orange County residents support the preservation of Laguna Canyon for the benefit of all and are opposed to the unnecessary development of this rare and unique piece of rural property in the midst of a growing megalopolis.

In depicting the event as a class struggle (as your lead photo appears to do), you do a disservice to the community you purport to serve.


The very reasons many people have moved to Orange County are rapidly disappearing. We have an opportunity to save Laguna Canyon as a beautiful regional park for all to continue to share. If this opportunity is lost, then along with the disappearing orange groves, the very essence of Orange County is lost.



Laguna Beach
